Vieira, Miriam

Associated member

Miriam Vieira is a professor at the Department of Letters, Arts and Culture at Universidade Federal de São João del Rei, Brazil. Postdoctoral fellow at Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (CNPq, 2018). Doctor in Literary Studies by the same institution with mobility funded by Erasmus Mundus at Lunds Universitet, Sweden (2016). Master in Literary Studies, also from UFMG (2007). Bachelor in Architecture (1992). Currently a member of Centre de recherches intermédiales sur les arts, les lettres et les techniques (CRIalt), the International Society for Intermedial Studies and the International Association of Word and Image Studies (IAWIS/AIERTI). She also belongs to Grupo Intermídia: estudos sobre a intermidialidade, chaired by Claus Clüver and Thaïs Flores Nogueira Diniz, and is the vice-coordinator of Anpoll’s GT: Intermidialidade: Literatura, Artes e Mídias.  Current main research interests are the relations between literature and architecture, ekphrasis, cinematographic adaptation, and (the teaching of) intermediality.